Testing the durability & Agressiveness of shot alloys


Testing shot products in the field is time consuming and not practical. Changing media sizes and alloys is difficult in production equipment.

Transmet Approach

Transmet has the ability to alloy our zinc and aluminum shot in order to achieve better cycle times and better durability. Using the Ervin Test Machine these improvements can be measured quickly and adjustments can be made to optimize the performance of the shot products. Using the Ervin machine alloy durability changes can be measured using the 100% Replacement Method (per SAE J445 5.3). The Almen Gauge feature can measure shot intensity and energy absorbed.

Testing the Durability & Aggressiveness of Shot Alloys

Testing the Durability & Aggressiveness of Shot Alloys


Using the Ervin Test Machine and using Almen strips are a useful tool to quickly identify if any changes to the alloy or the size make any difference in the performance of the shot. It also allows us to make comparisons of a customers’ current media to a Transmet product. The Almen strip feature allows us to select the correct size media to do the job, saving a lot of trial and error in the field.

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